4 years ago
Basque Country

Well, I do a compete run of All Brodals with Darker Side :) :D The other one I have to prepare the file to do it

Improvised run, 2 more before, but in the best of those 2 ones I lost in the 4th broodal of Dark Side ( f ), so finaly decide to just start Dark Side taking a máximum live you can found there Time: 7:13 without Mecha / 9:38 with Mecha (so 2:25 more to my time if we also add Mecha yeah)

Have to say in respect of the Live Split, that basicaly this 3rd, until the Cave enter that improve (8 second cause improvisation LUL), then I do worst the rest of the part (including 2nd Broodal I realice also) until the 3rd one, which by the way been just my best part of all the run in my opinion

Definitely, have to improve this, but there you have a good example :) :D xd

Well, there is it the video:

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
California, USA

@zMienai It's faster to fight spewart in Luncheon since he's closer and you can take the painting in lake to get there.

KilleDragon menyukai ini
Basque Country

@SuperMarioGuy4 ey, Good idea the Paint! :D

Basque Country

I mean I wasnt realice about the Paint to go faster to luncheon

California, USA

Only in No Dark Side. In Dark Side it's still faster to do the boss rush in Dark Side.

KilleDragon menyukai ini
Basque Country

@SuperMarioGuy4 yeah true And by the way I forgoted before, I finaly put the video in the past message :D

California, USA

Uhh, @KilleDragon, I don't think you timed it correctly. The timing starts when you load the file.

KilleDragon menyukai ini
Basque Country

@SuperMarioGuy4 yeah, probably I start the timer when I click "yes" to confirm to open that count

Ghosty920 menyukai ini
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

I did the speedrun in NoDarkSide

My phone not being charged, the run was not filmed

KilleDragon menyukai ini
California, USA

@KilleDragon Wait, nvm you timed it correctly. For some reason when I clicked the video it started when you were fighting Madame Broode

KilleDragon menyukai ini
Basque Country

Lol is true I doesnt know why it start when madamne broodal appear lul

California, USA

I'm uploading my run right now. But, just as a warning, it sucks.

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
KilleDragon menyukai ini
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

supermarioguy4 i know but show me a route how to skip spewart in luncheon without 2p amiibo or assist mode

KilleDragon menyukai ini
California, USA

What I do is I do a trick jump from a place near spewart to an island in the lava, then I get the checkpoint to regain my health (The jump involves jumping on lava) and do another trick jump to get to a door with a subarea. After that, I can get to the plaza.

The first trick jump starts by doing a cappy roll jump, then a cap dive. Once your a little closer to the lava, do a homing cap throw spin. Once your pretty close to the lava, throw cappy and hold him, then burn Mario's butt on the lava and land on cappy. Repeat the two lines before this until you reach the island.

The same-ish trick is used to get to the subarea door.

KilleDragon menyukai ini
California, USA

Okay, here's my run. I spent way too long trying to defeat the mechabroodal. I would've reset, but I forgot to put my save onto other files, so I was stuck with this terrible run. I defeat Mechabroodal at 21:09 so skip to that if you don't want to see my many attempts on defeating it.

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
KilleDragon menyukai ini
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Haha, I did a lot less in my PB = 15: 50.11 / The video upload, So I give a live ...

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
KilleDragon menyukai ini
Rochester, NY, USA

I dont know what you guys are doing but the run is not even in bowsers its in the frst 5 kingdoms

California, USA

@Adamsmo134 Are you not reading what we've been saying? The run is more creative when you're allowed to start from a prepared save file instead of an empty one. Starting from an empty file makes the run too similar to world peace.

KilleDragon menyukai ini
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

In my opinion, it will be necessary to add the wood and metal robot with the 4 broodals at the same time. It would give more challenge! (I don't know the name of the boss !!!)

KilleDragon menyukai ini