Minimal Cappy Run
6 years ago

Moved from previous thread: Anyway, I'm working out the details to livestream pretty soon.


I DID IT!!!! SERIOUSLY, NO KIDDING!! YOU BETTER CARE!! I believe that I have a right to be here after this! YouTube should finish processing my livestream soon.

United States

Jarhead, click on Follow Settings in the list of options on the left for this game. You can change your notification settings there. His threads have gotten replies, and it is obvious that at least a few people do care. Don't be rude.

You are right though that the forums are not well suited for back and forth discussions. I'd recommend talking about this in the #misc-categories channel in the discord server.


YOUTUBE PROVES IT!!! YEE HAW!!! Now I just have to get 4 more people to run it. I don't have discord or anything, so could some of you spread the word? I'll update the above post to include the rules and strats once someone's interested. Thanks, and Blessings!!

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Georgia, USA

So are we sure 19 is the lowest It can go?

Oregon, USA

looking at the video theres multiple cuts in the run, and in the description he says the minimum is 16.


Will there be an explanation in another video, a post, or a video description?


minimum is 16 and he got 19 but i think using glitches you might be able to get 17


Sorry for the superlong explanation. Here are the rules:

Beat the game as fast as possible with fewer than 20 Cappy throws. Timing starts on File Select and ends when you shoot out of the Spark Pylon in the escape sequence.

After beating the game, talk to Toadette and view the achievement "Fly, Cappy, Fly!" Total must be 19 or fewer to count.

Runs under 2:00:00 require video proof.

Use of 2 Player mode is strictly banned at all times during the tun. First Moon Skip exclusive to version 1.0.0 is allowed. Use of Amiibo or Assist Mode are banned.

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
reyalsdiorteM dan IwerSonsch menyukai ini

Can the cap doors really not be opened by any other means?

Scientific_Guy menyukai ini

@IwerSonsch I can think of no other way. Rolling and slamming into them doesn't work, and there's no way to clip through them that doesn't require an extra Cappy throw. If you can do it let me know!

Georgia, USA

Yeah, I think the category is interesting, but the tricks don’t seem consistent, and there a lot of rules

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Florida, USA

I like this idea


@Wipeoutjack7 What doesn't seem consistent to you? The two tricks are just stand-close Cappy throw and get-hurt-at-the-same-time Cappy throw. And there aren't a lot of rules, just no 2P. @Jarhead_71 If you're intimidated by the long posts I can delete them and replace with shorter ones. I don't mind.

EDIT: Okay, I still really want to make this work with you guys, so I've made a guide. Please tell me if it's "enormous" or "inconsistent" or has "a lot of rules."

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago