Can this game be completed in one run?
4 years ago
United States

Hey all, I'm a reporter at VICE Games, and I'm researching a story about Ring Fit Adventure, spurred by my own love of the game. (It was my favorite thing released last year.) In any case, as I looked more closely at Ring Fit Adventure speedrunning, I noticed most submissions are currently in world one and two. Given the nature of the game, and the intensity required to play it, what's the expectation on how speedrunning will expand in the future? Do you think anyone can actually fully beat Ring Fit Adventure in one go?

Happy to hear folks out here, or else you can privately reach out to me via and/or private message here. Thanks!

Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

only with breaks. some speedgames allow breaks in runs so i would say yes but no

United States

Update: The first any% intensity 30 was completed in 22 hours. Doable, but hard and very dangerous

Ivory menyukai ini
Osaka, Japan

I want to try 100%(intended). How long breaks are allowed?