submited run videos
3 years ago
Missouri, USA

do they have to be streamed or can they be recorded and uploaded to youtube cause my current pc when streaming to twitch makes the game bog down to what feels like 14 fps.

São Paulo, Brazil

can be recorded or broadcast live, no problem. make sure the video starts on the home screen and good luck :D

Missouri, USA

by home screen do u mean title screen or my pc desktop?

São Paulo, Brazil

the game's home screen, where the game starts

Missouri, USA

Ok thx things have change alittle since the last time I ran this game 4 years ago trying to learn them all over again like seen the current at holder uses splits is that a requirement now?

São Paulo, Brazil

still remains IGT. You can use livesplt, but still the game time at the end is what is considered

Statistik Game
Berita Terbaru
We have an Autosplitter!!

Thanks to @TheDementedSalad we now have an autosplitter for the game! You can find a setup guide for it under "Guides" and some pre-made splits for it under "Resources".

Now that we have a working autosplitter, we should talk about the timing rules for Duckstation. For New Game runs, it starts and

7 months ago
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