Regarding Music over runs.
7 years ago
Alsace, France

You can't expect the users to agree with your rules without complaining (although you have reasons to make them, I'm ok with that and I understand) when moderators aren't on the same page between themselves.

Just to answer to "Stop acting like Xerian is slipping us money to turn a blind eye to his runs. It's not like either of you are even close to his times in the first place to act like we're showing bias."

We have no hate for xerian, Nor for other runners, but you shouldn't say that not being "even close to his times" is an argument to shut our mouth when it comes to equality between runners. As said before, several runs have muted audio parts in the leaderboard (in february and in march). So agree between yourselves first and make the rule apply for everyone (users and mods), so we can turn that page and move on.

Pointing another thing out; is that normal that a mod can accept his own run ? Shouldn't an other mod verify his run ? I'm talking about Carcino, because I saw that and I was just wondering where do you stand on this point

C88_Enigmatic menyukai ini
Florida, USA

That's not what I meant. I am LIVID Xer's run was accepted yesterday. Nothing against him, but the previous rules were NO MUTING and NO DROWNING OUT game audio. Why the hell is his run on the leaderboard?

In regards to "not even close to his times", it was more along the lines that people jump into "WTF?!!?!" mode rather than just post the time stamps so we can fix it. People get immediately hostile and act like we're showing bias to someone that has a time just a small bit higher than them etc. when there's really a large difference in time in the first place, and they should just settle down and post time stamps.

Maybe I'm not putting my thoughts into words quite the best today. But I most certainly did NOT mean "shut up, you're not even close to his times, dawg so you have no say"

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Alsace, France

Ok Cursed, no problem bruh ! I gotch'a, there's been quite of misunderstandings on the post, that's true !

Florida, USA

Also, regarding mods verifying their own runs. I've seen it happen for several games. I personally think it's poor taste and I always have another mod verify my runs. I know other mods are like that too. But that's a personal thing and most communities don't address it as a rule.

Psarthex menyukai ini
Utah, USA

Genuine question here: as a new (console, saving up for PC) runner, do you have to have a mic to run the game? I plan on submitting a new run soon, and I'd like my audio quality to be better than my previous run (there was a bit of static).


You don't need to talk over your run, don't worry.

Utah, USA

That's the weird thing, I rarely talked during it but there was still static issues. Not sure if the mic was picking up on when I was pressing buttons or what. Hmm.

Alsace, France

Frankly I laughed, even between you moderator see happen to contradict you are good! In these cases the sound will cause you to turn the ruler so that it is a low volume, not to prohibit it. It is as if tomorrow you come to your house, you want to eat a yoghurt and you do not say yoghurt! You go and tell me to go show me! Bah la c is such a can. You are not impartial, then at least be indulgent! Then I repeat it once again to stop comparing the pc and console. Is not that you PC Youhouhou! Also validation of Run by other modo should be mandatory and not optional. After you complain that people rale, but instead of taking descition like that one consults can be the community and one votes it. Then we go bend to the rule trololoool of the rules that moderator that we do not know? You feel strong to take descitions and to shit the honest people ?! It would have been generalized to the whole site I say not, the c is just you and only you who take the descition. This is really the great Sketch

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
United Kingdom

The rule is there now, like it or not. It's that simple.

Voting on submission integrity is not going to be a thing. Nor has it ever been a thing on practically any community on Resident Evil is a series that has worked based on these rules since the days of SDA and beforehand, and it has worked for every single game in this series. We need to hear audio and video, it's that simple. That is all we have ever asked.

We showed leniency to begin with, then we added a rule asking runners not to drowned out the game audio. After this rule was essentially ignored on many, many occasions, here we are now.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Alsace, France

You're a bad time I'd never seen woaw. Well come in 40 with the Nazis. I just hope that people will boycott you and that the record will be published on the site, when they will get fed up with this reject. A record without the true record a day is indeed useless LUL of the kisses band of funny man

ffleret dan Konradgavin menyukai ini
United Kingdom

We have 10+ games in the series that all adhere to this rule, and not once has anyone ever complained about music requiring control. We'll live without a few people with a lack of respect who jump into a series, stomp their feet and think they can control the standard that has always been adhered to in Resident Evil.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
XTerminator, LerdVerdermert dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Mazowieckie, Poland


You know what? You're full of shit man.

Can't obey rules? You're free to go NOW. Much of us had enough of your bullshit.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
LerdVerdermert dan J_Dolan menyukai ini

Just for knowing, you said than 10+ Games in the series has this rules? Tell me which game because I only saw RE2/RE3/RE7 and I think I can count, it's only 3.

About all the game I ran/Run, it's the first time I heard this rule. If you have music w/out copyright (for exemple, classical music ), and if you can heard the game, I need to know: What's the problem? Seriously, the first 20 minutes of the game is boring as fuck, so I ask again: What's the problem?

Just curious, I'm not trolling, I just want to know...


jigfio's posts are a gift

they are really the great Sketch

LerdVerdermert dan ffleret menyukai ini
United Kingdom

All of the RE games require the games audio to be audible.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago

Okay Furry, but why, for exemple, RE4/5/6 doesn't have this rule? Nor a topic in the forum section...

Florida, USA

Konradgavin, we used to allow that but people were not following the rule of having the music NOT drown out the game and you'd hear Jay-Z blasting drowning out the game to the point you could barely hear the game. Even though it was a rule, people ignored it. :/

ffleret menyukai ini

Well, do not "punish" everyone? People are not as dumb as fuck... They need to follow rules and put the sound game higher than the music they are listening when running...

Psarthex menyukai ini
United States

Konradgavin, it's not punishing. It's not too hard to make it so you hear your music, and your recording doesn't pick it up. Either using Virtual Audio Cables or a cheap mixer.

ffleret menyukai ini

Well, it's completely stupid to make this rules. People are dumb if they can't follow rules. The one who decided this rules is as dumb as people listening to their music the loudest they can (no offense)

jigfio menyukai ini