Midas mode
6 years ago
United States

I had an idea today that I really can't believe actually worked but I was wondering how ethical it is to other (future [hopefully] and former [come back]) runners' eyes

enabling Midas Mode in the Extras does this in the full run:

.... sometimes. it works more often when you drive straight through to the next ring without doubling back and aiming for more dudes, I guess provided there are a decent amount in the way. the video isn't the perfect line but it was the second time I tested it out of like 7 times as my confidence in this wavered back and forth. from what I could see it has no effect on the beach group route, which was already not an issue in losing more than like half a second in the run.

my original thought was that hitting a dude and turning them into a statue would count as 1 hit and them then falling and hitting the ground would count as another. that or it's because I hit dudes before the ring that turn into statues that then hit other pedestrians on- and offscreen while the counter is up.

to make a long post longer I was wondering how skeezy this seemed to be for the full game. personally I'm in favor of it (even though I love the zoom boing ding no violence noises more and the two can't be enabled simultaneously) since this is the only thing outside of bad terrain in the game that can be considered RNG & so it's a reset heavy spot normally. if you were to get the perfect alignment of people along the way without this enabled it would have no extra effect or bearing if that makes sense, but that never happens without having to double back and lose time. basically it's a backup plan that makes the game nearly fully reliant on the player's skill. and all you gotta do is press A on an option ! but I can see why it would be frowned upon for not Playing the Game As Intended.

I want to document this to be fully transparent when it comes to this game so whoever comes along in the future, uhh, is aware. and can weigh in. or to flesh out the speedlore episode of this 20 years from now. I'm going to run with this enabled because I don't get out of the suburbs some nights and it sucks nards

SUPER EDIT: i've run with this a bit and even if the people are in line it's still every bit as random as usual so sorry for reading a big chunk of text from a dork

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Newfoundland, Canada

This is fine by me. Also, if you find a way to make swatch internet time faster, I'll 200% allow that also.

chump_change likes this
United States

roger. well in frustration in the menu earlier I found something else that is so obvious it hurts

(it's not a specific input thing, I just pressed down 1 too many times here)

not sure what to think. definitely leaning towards skeezy but there's no denying it :|

at the very least this fixes having a bad camera at the start of each section but it'll keep your timer running of course and the limo angle will be off when you restart. but I won't do it in a full run and it'll just have to stay there for the time being

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Newfoundland, Canada

Wow, huh. You can also dump passenger. I don't know what that gets you, but it puts you in a weird state where all the missions are on the map but you can't accept them and if you die, you go back to the start of the map. You can then select "retry ride" to get back to whatever mission you were on. The only thing I can think of is that this puts you somewhat close to a mechanic in the city, but that would be more out of the way than the ones that are used already.

I personally wouldn't think that this is anything at all skeezy. It's part of the game, and effectively it's just a slightly different/faster way of doing a deathwarp. So, it's not really different enough to break it out into a separate category. If you don't want to do runs with it, that's fine, but I'm not going to ban it based on what I've seen so far.

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