Play PoP Java games using WSA on Windows 11
Play PoP Java games using WSA on Windows 11
Diperbarui 1 year ago oleh GMP

Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA), lets us run J2ME loader, which is a better Java Emulator in some cases.

  1. Install WSA from here

  2. Open WSA and go to "Advanced settings". Enable Developer Mode. Copy the IP address. This step may vary slightly depending on the WSA version.

  3. Download Platform Tools - here

  4. Extract the zip file and open the platform-tools folder. Right click anywhere into the window and select "Open in Windows Terminal". Alternatively you can also type "cmd" in the address bar and press enter.

  5. Run the following command: .\adb connect <ip address>where<ip address> is to be replaced with the one you copied from step 2.

  6. Download latest J2ME Loader APK here.

  7. Place it in the platform-tools folder and rename it to "J2ME.apk"

  8. Run the following command:.\adb install J2ME.apk

  9. Now you should be able to open J2ME loader as a native app in Windows 11.

  10. Download PoP Mobile Pack, extract it and put the JAR files in platform-tools folder.

  11. Run these in Terminal (do only for the game you need):

.\adb push prince_of_persia_harem_adventures.jar /storage/emulated/0/Download/
.\adb push prince_of_persia_sands_of_time.jar /storage/emulated/0/Download/
.\adb push prince_of_persia_warrior_within.jar /storage/emulated/0/Download/
.\adb push prince_of_persia_the_two_thrones.jar /storage/emulated/0/Download/
.\adb push prince_of_persia_classic.jar /storage/emulated/0/Download/
.\adb push prince_of_persia_2008.jar /storage/emulated/0/Download/
.\adb push prince_of_persia_the_forgotten_sands.jar /storage/emulated/0/Download/
  1. Now you can find them in the downloads folder when you open J2ME loader.

For any queries, DM me (gmp_) on Discord.

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