TAS Runs
3 years ago
United States

, pretty much impossible for humans, but you can try

United States

Not perfect routing

United States

about a full second faster due to a better TL (truck leave), and some diagonal walking which save a couple ms

United States

Another TAS Theif Any% using a strat bamby talked to me about

Lemonmurder menyukai ini
Western Australia, Australia

jeez that's one strat I think I'm unlikely to try anytime soon

United States

Another one

Garfungled, RaggedDan dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
United States

Do Thief 100% TAS on Asylum

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
United States

Edgefield Street yeah, but Asylum would be funny

Western Australia, Australia

Edgefield is only the fastest because of the stairs, it is not necessarily the best for TAS runs tho as you can move much easier when its slowed compared to regular.

Garfungled menyukai ini
United States

So what would be the fastest? Maybe Tangy.

Statistik Game
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0.9 Ascension Update! Board Archival and Rule Changes.

Hello Everyone!

Along with update 0.9 Ascension update comes a full board and category extension archival! This might be exciting for some and disappointing to others as it means all categories are now once again empty and wide open for anyone to take the top spot.

Why is archiving/wiping necessar

8 months ago