Any% Route - Updates To Be Implemented!
Any% Route - Updates To Be Implemented!
Diperbarui 5 years ago oleh EmmJae

Updated 17/02/2019:

-Edited MInigame Tips to be less vague.

Updated 18/02/2019

-More viable to get both puzzle pieces before doing Cheerilee minigames. -You now visit Pinkie's House at the start of the run. Updated 20/02/109

-You now only go for puzzle pieces and presents near Sweetie-Belle and Toola Roola's places when doing their minigames towards the end.

Time Starts on selecting "Adventure" after the creation of a new save file.

Time Ends on skipping puzzle/the credit roll.


L = Left R = Right U = Up D = Down

Input followed by a digit corresponds to the number of spaces you should move on the map in the indicated direction.

Use the stylus rather than A and B buttons to mash skip through text.

Skip Intro Text

D1, Pick Up Present. R1, Pick Up Puzzle Piece. R1, Pick up Present and Puzzle Piece. R1, Pick up Puzzle Piece, Enter Pinkie Pie's Balloon House, Pick up Puzzle Piece, exit. L3, D1, Pick up Puzzle Piece. R1, Pick up Puzzle Piece. L1, Play Garden Minigame, Play Critter Minigame. L1, Enter Scootaloo's Treehouse, Pick up Puzzle Piece, play Scooter Race Minigame, play Wash Scooters Minigame, play Butterflies Minigame. L1, Enter Starsong's Dance Studio, play Wind Chime Minigame, play Runaway Notes Minigame, speak to her, exit, Pick up Present behind the rear wheel. R2, U1, L1, U1, Pick up Present. D1, L2, Pick up Puzzle Piece, enter Rainbow Dash's Kite Shop, speak to her, exit. R3, D1, L1, Enter Scootaloo's Treehouse, Pick up Present, exit. L1, Enter Starsong's Dance Studio, play Dance Minigame, exit. L2, Pick Up Puzzle Pieces and Present, Enter the Sweet Shoppe, play Balloons Minigame, speak to Sweetie-Belle, exit. R4, Pick up Present behind watering can. U1, L5, Pick Up Puzzle Pieces, Enter Toola-Roola's Craft Shop, talk to her, exit. R2, Enter Kite Shop, Pick up Present in the corner, play Umbrellas Minigame, exit. L2, Enter Craft Shop, play Decorations Minigame, play Crayons Minigame. R4, U1, Enjoy ending cutscene, skip puzzle with Start button to end.

Minigame Tips:

Garden - To avoid spilling water, simply walk in a straight line from the start. Critter - Sometimes, you need patience. Be precise with seed placements! Scooter Race - Just ride the top until an obstacle is in your way, move down, back to the top. The hitboxes vary on which object is in your path, so be wary of these. Wash Scooter - Ensure you quickly cover every centimeter of the scooters. Butterflies: Be as efficient with your circles, try to capture as many in one as you can! Runaway Notes - Small circles, quickly and precisely. Wind Chimes: Hit the chime as soon as the note crosses into the bar. You need only do 5. Dance: After the first dance, immediately press Start to receive the present. Balloons - Save time by waiting a few seconds at the start, so that you can pop more balloons more quickly. This minigame can make or break your run, based on when you drag your balloons and RNG. Umbrellas - Really easy, just pay attention. The umbrellas never move really quickly, so keeping up isn't too much of a pain. Decorations - Blow up one of each balloon type. Do nothing on the cake or banner. Crayons - Do I even need to give you a tip here...? Okay, fine. You don't need to wait after each crayon the move the next one.

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