Is game audio required for video submissions?
3 years ago
Uusimaa, Finland

I want to record a video run but the only way I can get audio from my Switch is through headphones.

New Hampshire, USA

From what I know if you have a capture card the game audio is captured no matter what so if you have one you don’t have to worry about it. But if you’re recording through a camera then you can’t get audio but I don’t think that audio is necessary as long as they can see what you’re doing.

MaxFI dan linny356 menyukai ini
Washington, USA

Correct, audio is not necessary even for runs that are good enough to require video proof. All that’s required is that the mods can clearly see what’s going on.

PatrickButSmart dan MaxFI menyukai ini
Maryland, USA

Unlike in SMB1.

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