psv and psp versions
8 years ago

Sorry guys,not like this makes that much of a diverence,but the game is also playable in psp and psvita through the psn shop.

Keyah menyukai ini

I was actually thinking about bringing this up also. I'm going to be learning the run and because I only have access to the PSN version (EU), I'll have to run on a PSP so that the game is at normal run speed.

Any chance we can have PSP and/or PSV added to the run submission Platform?

NoobKillerRoof dan TheGameiro menyukai ini

well it seems we are not getting any awnser try submiting a run on psp to see what they rthink about it if you're still interested in running this of course

Keyah menyukai ini

PSP/PSV aren't options when submitting a run. They need to be added before you can submit that platform.

May need to ping an admin that the leaderboard moderators don't appear to have any interest in moderating. They're logging in, just not responding to topics.

zewing, Spikestuff dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
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amoser as supermoderator

At long last.

A new record on the game’s most historical category after more than a year.

The mysterious confines of the 37 minute depth, reached once again. And this time, in a groundbreaking dive. The 38 barrier is now fully open, and the road is being paved.

And I’m happy to say, tha

1 year ago