pls help
1 year ago

For some reason, my automatic timer does not work. Everything is correct in the settings, but I do not start from the beginning of the game, but from a certain chapter, how to make an automatic timer when you start not from the beginning

Lambda_PeopIe, Qman_, dan Metrokop228 menyukai ini

Bind key that you start the chapter on livesplit. Now you have automatic timer. As I remember this is the way to speedrun levels.

Qman_, Metrokop228, dan KreKys_Games menyukai ini

If you want to start a run from a specific chapter, you can use the new SourceSplit ( ) to make it completely automatic.

  1. Press Edit Splits
  2. Press Settings
  3. Under Main Functions, mark the check box "Also Auto-Start when"
  4. Starting a New Game on this map: d2_coast_01

The name of the map is the first map of the chapter you want to run. You can check the map name by writing "status" to the console, or displaying it with cl_showfps 1.

KreKys_Games, Lambda_PeopIe dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini

Thank you!

Metrokop228, Lyren, dan Lambda_PeopIe menyukai ini

You helped me a lot friend, thank you

Metrokop228, Lyren, dan Lambda_PeopIe menyukai ini
Statistik Game
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04.03.2023 Rule updates

Hello gamers, we would like to inform you about a couple of changes in the rules, including a major change in the timing.

Old SourceSplit by Fatalis has a weird timing issue with loadings, which cuts a few seconds from a fullgame run. It was fixed by 2838. From today it is necessary to use the ne

1 year ago
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