Text Skips
Text Skips
Diperbarui 5 years ago oleh TG

In every level in the game, there's an invisible area at the start that once Garfield touches it while on the ground triggers a text box. The textbox does not appear for very long, but hey, it wouldn't be a speedgame without frame perfect jumps to save half a second.

This guide will be updated as I find newer strats.

[section=Skipping Text Using Elbow Drops] https://i.imgur.com/EaaqN9c.gif

You don't trigger text boxes while in the lengthy animation that plays when you hit the ground after an elbow drop. This animation can be canceled by hitting jump, so all you have to do to skip any text in the game is elbow drop, and hit jump slightly before hitting the ground to instantly jump again without triggering the text box.

Before this was figured out though, text skips were performed using frame perfect jumps:

[section=Arbuckle Farm] https://i.imgur.com/zq719C4.gif Farm has a pretty difficult text skip, but it saves quite a bit of time. The idea here is to skip the text box by landing on the first hay bail. You need to jump the second frame after the game unfreezes from the fade from black.

[section=Spiders in the Sewer] https://i.imgur.com/3tpgVOG.gif Sewers has probably the easiest text skip. Almost instantly after the level loads, hold right and jump. My visual cue is how Garfield is lined up with the grate in the background. The jump is a 2 frame window after the level unfreezes after the fade from black so you should get it every time.

[section=Obedience Class] https://i.imgur.com/hYRxU0v.gif This text skip is identical to Sewers; just jump a few frames after the level loads in and you should get it.

[section=Dr. Dupes and the Odie Clones] https://i.imgur.com/PG0S27N.gif Clones has probably the most annoying text skip, since you need to perform (what I'm pretty sure is) a frame perfect jump once at the start, then once again after you loop back to the beginning after collecting the key. My visual cue is the tile line in the floor.

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