I'm leaving and deleted all of my runs
3 years ago
Czech Republic

The WR history graph for IL runs in Excitebots is still broken months after I filed a bug report. I even looked through the code and specifically pointed out what could be wrong. I even submitted it through the old feedback form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6G5kHeooo1K11C8WMREf69P_Pv3X4i5DKOjLtUCcDSTreNQ/viewform), and never got a response, not even a "we recognize you have submitted an issue".

Now you've locked the feedback thread and site bug threads, so now there isn't even a real place for users to talk and/or look for these things. It doesn't matter if you don't use it, being able to read about the suggestions and issues people are having with the site adds a layer of transparency. All that locking the threads does is make it harder to discuss issues and improvements with the site.

My third major reason for leaving: the way you have implemented advertisements is stupid, lazy, dangerous, and insecure.

The advertisements are ugly and don't fit the theme, and they shift elements of the page so they're inconsistent between reloads, or they load right before you're about to click on something, and the content you were about to click gets shifted down, which makes you click on it.

ADVERTISEMENTS ARE ON THE LOGIN PAGE. WHERE YOU ENTER YOUR PASSWORD. THIS IS EXTREMELY BAD PRACTICE! DON'T EVER, EVER DO THIS! I'm not going to bother wasting my time for this, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say they're running in a sandboxed iframe. Even if they are running in a sandboxed frame, all it takes is one exploit found to escape the sandbox, and everyone's login info is stolen.

It was already bad enough having the twitch stream and twitter feeds on the login page, but at least you (and twitch) control what code is run there. Having the possibility of just anyone run whatever code they want on the login page is just inexcusable. You shouldn't have any third party scripts running on the login page, period. https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/214784/can-ads-on-a-page-read-my-password


I will not support a company that is so blatantly incompetent, with my content.

Imaproshaman, Valmerix dan 24 lainnya menyukai ini
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

I agree 96% with this post, makes sense to leave

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
Imaproshaman, Iglum dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini

Use Brave!

it has a inbuilt adblocker!

Imaproshaman, Kai., dan Shiinyu menyukai ini
Madrid, Spain

(meanwhile there are still adds in this forum thread) Im sorry about it. You can join the sr.c discord and talk about it there, youre not the only one that is angry about it and Im sure they are going to do something soon.

Imaproshaman dan Shiinyu menyukai ini
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Agree with this post

Imaproshaman dan Shiinyu menyukai ini

KEKW join dead discord to provide feedback then another dude will say install addblock KEKW


@Delekates Are you still salty about people giving you a simple fix to the problem?

JSR_, Starlight dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini

Lor, the issue here is that these ads exist in the first place, and a band-aid of an adblocker software is pretty much required to use the site. Not really sure why the login page argument exist, because it is and was just a pop-up window on the page but yeah, i can see how that can be bad

Ivory menyukai ini

ngl I was gonna make a snarky comment along the lines of "okay, bye" but actually that security concern is no joke. Though, for what it's worth, now that you mention it I believe that's been a thing for quite a while now. Like I think ads could show up on the front page (or you could log in on any page) long before Elo took over the site. The only thing Elo changed about this recently is showing ads to logged-in users.

Imaproshaman, Symystery dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini

yeah, what's gonna happen?

another "data breach?" (prob not)

O.D.W. menyukai ini