Why is speedrun.com adding "%" to the end of every category?
6 years ago

April Fools Day.

It should be going back to normal tomorrow.

New South Wales, Australia

My only dissapointment was that they made it detect if there was already a '%' in the Title ... I was hoping we would get a bunch of Any%% :P

United States

Is% there% a% problem% with% having% a% percent% symbol% after% each% category's% name% ?% Because% if% there% is% ,% then% we% might% have% a% problem% ,% buddy% .% The% percent% symbol% deserves% to% be% prominently% displayed% as% it% is% now% !%

Zachoholic, MASH dan 7 lainnya menyukai ini

It's& a& typo& ,& we& go& back& to& this& shit& tomorrow&

Hako dan xDrHellx menyukai ini