High Scores
7 years ago
New Zealand

Some games contain minigames which which may revolve around getting a higher score or the longest time possible. Is it possible that these will ever be integrated into the site, despite not exactly being speedrun related? I have seen interest in high scores from several players of Jak II and I'm sure that there are other games where people are interested in seeing how far they can take them, too.

xTVaser, kuitar, dan xDrHellx menyukai ini
French Southern Territories

" or the longest time possible" In Game Edition panel, in the category, tick "Timer Ascending".

United States

We want to add a "score" type timer eventually. The timer code needs refactored to handle more generic timer types like this (along with an arbitrary number of arbitrarily named timers/)

Renusek, TheKombatKing dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
New Zealand

Awesome! I'll look forward to it!

@PackSciences: I just tried what you said and it works, however I can't do that without adding a the category to every single challenge (we have some challenges that would require an ascending time and some that would require descending, but the only way currently seems to be to have both for every challenge and disregard the one that shouldn't be there)

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
New Jersey, USA

@kirkq awesome!

@blahpy jinx!

Posting high scores /and/ speedruns would make SRC so much better. Shoot-em-ups (as well as other random genres) would be more relevant, arcade games would have an added level of competition, and it would attract more competition in general. Speedrunning might be a niche thing, but all gamers can get into scoring.

French Southern Territories

@blahpy, that's the best you can do with the current version of this site

Massachusetts, USA

I would definitely submit my Donkey Kong score here if high scores were tracked... I hope this feature comes to fruition.

TheKombatKing dan xelnia menyukai ini
New Zealand

I don't mean to be annoying but I was just wondering if this is still planned?

xTVaser menyukai ini
United States

I believe an update Lighnat0r is working on handles this. It's still in progress.

blahpy menyukai ini
New Zealand

If there's anything I could do to help (though I doubt it), then let me know!

Osmosis_Jones menyukai ini