What things makes a game good for speedrunning?
1 year ago

Hi, speedrunners!

I'm currently developing a game and I was wondering which things I could improve in the game to make it more pleasing for speedrunners. https://100001.onl/ What do you think makes a game good for speedrunning? https://1921681254.mx/

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hey, oahenkepi, first just a reminder that this is a forum dedicated to discussing streaming and recording, so you should ask that question in the speedruning forum.

But answering your question, it depends. Different people feel attracted to different elements in a game. You could tell us which kind of game you're developing (a RPG, platformer, fighting game, racing game, party game?...) There are several types of games out there.

For most people, I believe games with a fast-paced rhythm fit better. Most of the time, it's interesting if your game has good physics, fluid platforming and combat and, if there's a story, a skip cutscene function is very attractive for speedrunning purposes.

Mashing a lot of text in most cases isn't very good, but even that is a personal opinion and you can find a lot of runners that will tell you otherwise.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago

I have been a beta tester speedrunner for a couple games and yeah, it really depends what you're going for. Are you aiming to make it like a time trial game where people compete on the same levels for faster times, or are you just making a game that you hope people will start playing all the way through with their own livesplit timers and etc.

The most important thing in any of these scenarios is to pay attention to any elements of the game that the speedrunner will witness repeatedly and try to cut down on the dead time, startup splash screens, menu delays, mid level cutscenes, anything like that. A good example would be for a time trial sort of game where you start the level off with a 3 second countdown, you might at first think this is fine, but in reality 3 seconds is a long time for a speedrunner who is resetting the level constantly, and it would get quite tiring.

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