Recommendations for a good web cam?
3 years ago
Kentucky, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Have become addicted to Twitch, dusting some rust off of my Super Mario World skills as a young lass ... Might try to stream soon!

Whats the good / cheap web cam that folks are using these days? I see about that hover around 30 bucks on amazon, but wasn't sure if there was a particular brand/model that is tried & true for the speedrunning community

thx <3

Pear menyukai ini
New Jersey, USA

Logitech is pretty good, lotta people use it.

ShadowFlare7799, Pear, dan keap3 menyukai ini
New South Wales, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

your phone could be used as a web cam it wont cost you any more money and its pretty high quality