Timer problems
3 years ago

I don’t know how to get a timer that’s actually accurate


You need to provide a little more information about what exactly your issue is. No timer will be perfectly accurate unless it’s outfitted with an autosplitter, and even then it can drift ever so slightly if it runs for a very long time. If you’re manually controlling the start and stop points, then it’s subject to human error which again means it’ll never be “perfectly accurate”.

Are you asking how to frame count a run which is a method that uses the length of a run in frames in conjunction with the capture FPS to determine the time of the run?

Pear menyukai ini

Really I just a timer that can automatically start when I start the run and end when I end the run if that’s possible if you couldn’t tell already I’m quite new


That's an autosplitter and they are made on a per-game basis, so ask your community if there is one already

Pear menyukai ini

thanks for your help I will ask