Waiting for a run to be verified
1 year ago


If you're waiting for your run to be verified and it's been over two weeks, would it be okay to ask a mod what's happening?

I don't want to harass anyone but would love to know if my first and second ever runs have been accepted before trying to beat my times and submit anything new.

Thanks in advance.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
Somerset, England

Yes, moderators generally have 21 days to verify runs, if after that they are shown to be inactive then you could request moderator. But here, it is best to DM them, or ask in the game's Discord or forums. It's not harassing them since, to request games, they need at least 2 social medias. Although sometimes it is annoying when people constantly beg for their run to be verified only after a few days of waiting

Also there was another thread about this just 2 threads below

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Gaming_64, Comrade_S, dan SamBamPlays menyukai ini