Hi There!
6 years ago

So, like a lot of other people here, hoping to start getting into speed running. Been watching a few runs which are impressive and a few of Apollo Legend's history videos which got me really interested. For now just trying to run some shorter games filled with some personal nostalgia that hopefully at least have a small community around them.

TheGreatToddman menyukai ini

Oh nice :D if you love watching history videos I highly recommend Summoning Salt he has really fun videos :) good luck :D

TurnipWaa menyukai ini
Oklahoma, USA

I personally prefer small games that I grew up with. Which is mostly disturbing and no i was not a pained child. MingLee I just enjoy stories with dark themes. I love apollo legend. Great videos. Any game you really wanna try first? Hope you make a lot of friends around here.


Thanks MelonSlice, I think I've seen one of theirs actually but will make sure I look for more.

I have a few smaller games in mind, just a matter of digging up the CDs from my parent's house, but for the time being I'm starting with the Power Rangers game for the Sega Megadrive (or Genesis for none UK people). Done a few practices already and been able to get my time down. Thanks.

Is there no way to post a video up to Twitch without that stupid timer anymore? Guess I'll have to use YouTube.

MelonSlice menyukai ini
Oklahoma, USA

I did not know there was even a power rangers game. Suppose I shouldn't be shocked though. I'll have to check that out!

TurnipWaa menyukai ini

There were a couple of Power Rangers games, even a recent beat'em'up game that is according to reviews just ok, though the most well known ones come from the SNES/Genesis era, there are some other ones like a Lightspeed Rescue game for the N64 and some portable games too.

And Super Sentai(the franchise that Power Rangers is based of) has other games as well, like two platformers on the NES(including a Zyuranger game, AKA, the series that became the first Power Rangers series) and a platformer on the SFC(based on Carranger, which was turned into Power Rangers Turbo for the rest of the world.

It's only natural that Super Sentai, a franchise that has been running non-stop since 1975, and Power Rangers, which has been adapting Super Sentai since 1995, have a couple of games done about them, games that could be speedrun at that.

Heck, Super Sentai even has a Musou game which even has the very first Super Sentai team as playable characters!

TurnipWaa menyukai ini
Indiana, USA

Dude power ranger games are awesome. I started with a classic but a good one kirby's dreamland. But dude all in all welcome to the site. Good fortune to you.