What is NG and NG+ in speed running?
7 years ago
Gävleborg, Sweden

I don't know if this means different things in different games but i have always been wondering :)

He/Him, It/Its
7 years ago

NG (New Game) is usually starting from a fresh file. NG+ (New Game+) is starting the run using a file that already finished the game (usually you have items that you should only get later on in New Game)

For most games they're 2 differents menus also; https://i.gyazo.com/0706ac7adc44da6a507cbd29b65493ec.jpg

Speedrun-wise NG+ can be faster. In Tales of Xillia's case, that would probably be because you'd have most skills and artes unlocked already, as well as end-game equipments.

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