duck life 2013 any% route
duck life 2013 any% route
Diperbarui 3 years ago oleh snivy

The speed run route for duck life 2013 is similar to duck life 4 with a few changes(I think), first i should mention how to get the game and something else. The way to get the game is through steam for 2$ though it might be free on a website. Please update this document if you find something inaccurate. Also, please do fix the stats since they aren’t very accurate and can vary a few levels. Alright, now for the stats and route. First, timing starts when you confirm your duck’s name and ends when the finish screen pops up (the text after the final boss).


Go through the tutorial like normal then spam click through the text, next go to the running trainer to train, either running 2 or running 3. These are both survival minigames which are normally the best. Where each second you get around 1.5 points(not exp) which will give that amount of points plus 10 to 20 (not exact). You will get to about 1500 points or level 150 (max). The training for the run is done to around the amount that you need to beat the game (the final 3 fights) and everything before. You might be wondering why I said either running 2 or 3 (i’m just going to abbreviate the stats from now on) so technically in my experience run 3 is slightly faster because you can do all the training in one run because in run two you have to dodge falling objects from the sky which has a rough cap to how well you can play at a 200-300 points per run. Eventually it will be impossible to go farther causing the runner to start the minigame over. Though a good thing about run 2 is that it has what I will call a “quick death” where there is almost no time between when the player can restart the minigame (it will still lose about a second). Run 3 is better by a couple of seconds as I said before because you can do all the training in one cycle (a single run) but it is difficult. Though run 3 has a “long death” which loses 4-6 seconds. I probably should explain run 3, the minigame includes pressing 1, 2, 3 and 4 (so make sure your timer hotkeys aren’t those numbers) when the rocks that are labeled with one of the four numbers and the player will press the corresponding number to jump or dive, it isn't that hard and on average I can get a 2-4 cycle I die from boredom ( funny note the devs didn’t make the coin counter go to the left after getting 100 coins this has no impact I just thought it would be funny) so my advice for which running is to do which you are best at and enjoy more. Small time saves shouldn’t matter so far because 5 seconds won’t matter enough to have to do them to get a good run, the main time save (currently) is playing minigames better and faster menu navigation.


So collecting a lot of coins must be important right? Well no, so you see coins do matter for the first area of the game though while playing run 3 don’t focus them and don’t get extra coins at the end (which is about 15-16 minutes). You should have around 600 coins when you bring your duck to the feeder which costs 15 coins per seed. Get (around) 36 seeds to increase your energy so that you can survive all races and be able to use boosts 2 times for the final 3 fights. Boosts are, well, a boost that cost a significant amount of energy which is used during races and if your duck runs out of energy you will have to exit the race and get more energy. Now, let's actually get on with the route..

The route

So the route of the game is actually really simple, (skip to bottom for stats) max out running(150) race the duck on the far right so that you can get a ticket for the tournament. Next feed your duck the required amount of food(you can do this directly after you max running) then go to the tournament and enter your team.


and you don’t have to boost for the 3 races so there’s nothing you can do but watch and press continue (note: if you want to race against my splits I split when I see the area select screen after the race. I also a split at the end of running training) go to the swamp area and begin swimming training, unlike in duck life 4 (I think) the final boss required maxing all stats, Though this is not the case for duck life 2013 meaning that you only need to get 94 swimming because that is the amount that I found with other stats to win all races that swimming is needed it’s a little lower than others because only one fight of the final 3 uses swimming. The best minigame for swimming is diving it’s really simple all you do is watch your duck jump wait about half a second then when you see the text popup start holding the left mouse button until your duck is facing down (doesn't have to be exact) your duck will fall into the water when the duck stops going you will be sent to the retry menu. and a quick note you can hold the spacebar button either all the time or when going to the retry menu, put your mouse over the retry button and spam click when you enter the menu. The reason why you hold spacebar (not press) is because it will immediately skip the second screen for directions, you do this till you get 94 swimming. then race the red duck on the log, then do the races and move on to the mountains.


There is not much time to save here, other than doing slightly better training and menuing. So now onto the mountains/flying there is a lot of time to save here. The player will do the flying 3 minigame/cannons. Which includes your duck in a cannon, you will have to aim your shot to make sure that your duck will hit the target. There is 1 set of 3 targets that appears in the same order every time. Unlike in duck life 4 the cannon doesn't shoot immediately but rather you have to line up your shot and then press the launch button it is very easy to misclick the launch button so for flying you will make you have to reeling your shot. (another difference is your trajectory line is a lot longer) And don’t worry if your aim is bad because it saves more time to get okay sores (around 80) fast than to get high scores slowly and remember to use the space bar trick from earlier. Though now you will have to move your mouse to the retry button after the third shot (remember to spam click at the end of the third shot so it will go to the menu). You will max out flying (150) because if you go fast it will take only a couple of minutes to max it out. Once your flying is maxed, beat the green duck on the roof for the ticket. Next proceed to the tournament and watch as your duck destroys the other ducks then to the glacier.

The glacier

The glacier is an area where a lot of time can be saved here’s how. In duck life 4 you would do a minigame that was “basically well hope you get lucky?” but thankfully that minigame is now obsolete. So first climbing 1 it’s really simple all you do is control your duck with the left and right arrow keys. There is some luck to it but I can consistently get around 700 (sometimes 1000 if you get lucky). and the good thing is it’s really easy all you do is move your duck towards the ladders and your duck will go up them do this until the auto scroll kills you. So one of the problems with climbing is that the 2 that you can do aren’t survival minigames (in terms of points) because climbing 1 gives points on how far up you make it, the problem is with climbing 3. So climbing 3 is a fairly basic minigame, it’s pretty similar to duck life 2-4 climbing except with different obstacles. All you do is go onto the left or right wall right? Well yes but it’s a lot more complicated than that since at around the 1000 points range things get fast! And at that point to have it be better than climbing 1 you have to have really good reaction times. because the longer you go in climbing 3 the faster you get points. so if you are really good at climbing 3 then you can play that. though if you are not good at it then play climbing 1. And next after getting climbing to around 81 then race the white duck to get the ticket. Next go to the tournament and by now you, now this stuff so onto the next area.


So the final training area is the city where you increase your jumping stat to jump faster. So this is more of part to relax and stress. What I mean by that is at this point unless you lose badly you can know pretty well if your run good or not because you play jumping 2. So you might think that you want to focus intensely to get a better time but the thing about jumping 2 is it’s a survival minigame. Which means all you do is, well try to survive, the minigame itself is your duck on a pogo stick. The way you control your duck is with the left and right arrow keys, this will turn your pogo stick at an angle the farther you lean the more momentum you get ( don’t lean too far or you will lose). The objective of the minigame is to not fall into the holes that get bigger each time while being pushed by an auto scroller. It doesn't get hard until around 50 points and you can get to around 150 points before it becomes nearly impossible. There are a lot of different strategies to use for this minigame. I personally go at a pace close to the auto scroller and then when I'm near the hole I lean hard to the right after the jump I immediately pull back to be straight then repeat. Once you get to around 107 jumping then race the purple duck near the trainer for the ticket. Then finish the last tournament and proceed to the volcano.

The volcano

This is the final level of the game and surprisingly there is almost no time save fight all 3 ducks then click the box open it then proceed to fight the final boss all you can do then is, just don’t die. When the text that shows up saying your duck is now the world champion time stops and your run is done . Of course it’s a little more complicated than that but I won’t try to explain the strats just go watch the last 5 minutes of my run or the top run. I hoped you learned the route and good luck speedrunning.

For rough stats

Running 2/3 150 Swimming 3 94 Flying 3 150 Climbing 1/3 81 Jumping 2 107 Energy 108

Statistik Game
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