All Quests in 34m 08s 633ms by

This run was a rollercoaster. There's lots to say, so I'm going to give a bit of a play-by-play here.

Quest 1 goes great. Bookworm generated Battering Ram - one of the dream items - and I found a solid amount of Pathfinding along the way for an extra boost.

I had some scares with guesses at both ends of Quest 2; some forced, some not. I found Sunglasses and Book Of Rage, giving me another 1-click solve in Swamp, and netting me a blazing 7:43 by the end.

Quest 3 wasn't so lucky, with Bookworm starting me out with Midas Glove. I should have taken an early intentional hit from a monster to keep the heart drops flowing, but I played it (too) safe. In Sewer I finally took a hit to bad logic, opening the Bookworm floodgates for the last two stages. It's a good job, because the final stage was possibly the messiest I have ever played. I had some early failed guesses, but the stage was modded with Brooding. I realised I could take a ton of hits with my high defense, health and heals, so I just start shotgunning cells. This snowballed... The grid density got absurdly high and almost every click was a guess. I didn't understand this at the time, only now watching back. A ridiculous end to an otherwise fairly uneventful Quest.

I died in Quest 4 :( but after briefly stalling, I realised my pace was strong enough that it was worth continuing. The second time around, Battering Ram made a triumphant return and put the run was back on course.

Quest 5 had significant mistakes. I somehow missed that Bookworm had generated Magic Carpet, even after opening my inventory. I also tried to use some Pathfinding consumables in a Rancid stage. This Quest definitely should have been quicker. That said, I accrued a ton of Pathfinding, and got through with the WR.

This run was half amazing and half terrible, both through RNG and my own errors. There's a lot of improvement that could be made here, but for now, I shall set my sights on categories I've yet to run!

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34m 08s 633ms
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