A Guide to Blackjack
A Guide to Blackjack
Diperbarui 3 years ago oleh SharpsDoubleRifle

Blackjack isn’t the best IL to run. There is a lot of rng and luck involved, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fun IL, far from it. This guide will teach you the techniques involved in blackjack. The first technique is for finish. For this category, the best thing to do is to do the default bet and spam a, which is the hit button. You want to hit until you bust. The reason for this is that once you bust, the rest of the plays speed up and it makes it a lot faster. The second technique is for win/master. This is pretty much the same as the finish strat except instead of betting the default, you bet the max you can, and then you double down. If you win the round, you get 300 chips which no one will catch up to, so you can just bet 1 for every other round. Here is a video of my blackjack master world record So I helped this guide helped you in blackjack, one of my favorite games in this game. So yeah.