Part 1 Easy in 15m 03s by

The run starts with the Constitution Underflow glitch. In this game you can keep casting spells into negative mana but doing so has a chance to reduce your Constitution (and thus your max HP). The targetable spells (Magic Arrow and Light to begin with) skip the low CON death check so you're able to send your constitution low enough that it underflows and you're left with a high starting max HP.

From there I get lucky that the shop has a flail and head off to the Mine. The goal of the Mine is to get down to Level 4 and find the piece of paper with the kobolds. Because I have to run back out I need the stairs going down to be near the stairs going up. I got perfect luck and didn't have to reroll any floors. I hit level two before the kobolds as desired and then continue my perfect luck with the kobold room being one room away. I will never have a better Mine than this one.

From here I leave the mine, run to the village to fulfill story requirements, then head off to the second dungeon, the Fortress. The goal of the fortress is to make your way down to Fortress Level 11, kill Hrungnir, take his amulet and activate it. I find stairs down quickly and have great monster density on the descent so I level easily and am my target level of 6 by the time I hit floor 11.

I chose Detect Monsters at level 5 so that I could find Hrungnir easily and reroll floor 11 until he's nearby. As I enter his room a wandering Ogre attacks me from behind and I quickly die. Thankfully my save is very close and this time the Ogre paths south so I can kill him on his own and rest up before engaging Hrungnir. After a close fight (as it always is) I loot his corpse and make what could have been a run-ending mistake, I equip the Amulet of Kings right away. Look for a textbox stating "The Huge Ogre missed you!" after I equip the amulet. I was at 2hp and would surely have died. I retreat from the Ogre activate the amulet, and Bob's your uncle!

Papan peringkat
Part 1 Easy
15m 03s
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
Bagi waktu
Disediakan oleh
#NamaBagianSelesai pada
1New Town1m 41s 680ms1m 41s 680ms
2Fortress 41m 22s 270ms3m 03s 951ms
3Fortress 83m 38s 160ms6m 42s 111ms
4Fortress 115m 01s 310ms11m 43s 421ms
5Activate Amulet3m 20s 383ms15m 03s 805ms
Statistik Game
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