Strat for Final Level
Strat for Final Level
Diperbarui 2 months ago oleh Mitnyfrehsh


After you jump on the railing in the Ocean Level (which triggers the infinite speed glitch in the next stage), hit and hold the S, and D keys, after falling off (or ever so slightly before, test it a bit).

When the screen fades to black and the loading kart appears, switch to holding the A, and W keys. Keep holding those keys when you enter the stage, and spam jump until you're past the first pillar.

After picking up a bit of speed (and getting past the pillar), switch to holding the W, and D keys. Then you will need to make small adjustments (tapping A, while letting go of D), to actually make it cleanly into the entrance. I haven't gotten this completely consistent yet, but with other people helping this'll be a piece of cake. Let's get this run down to 2:59 people!

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