Game Version
LevelFirst place
The Forger
The Congressman
The Prince
The Sensation
The Gunrunner
The Twin
The Wild Card
The Broker
The Black Hat
The Pharmacist
The Fixer
The Identity Thief
The Ex-Dictator
The Chef
The Angel of Death
The Guru
The Food Critic
The Chameleon
The Blackmailer
The Warlord
The Surgeons
The Bookkeeper
The Paparazzo
The Badboy
The Fugitive
The Entertainer
The Deceivers
The Undying
The Revolutionary
The Appraiser
The Politician
The Serial Killer
The Stowaway
The Collector
The Liability
The Iconoclast
The Heartbreaker
The Procurers
The Ascensionist
The Rage
The Drop
The Disruptor
The Splitter
This view only considers subcategories that apply to all levels. There are 2 more level-specific subcategories that apply. You can find more information by clicking on a level.
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Temporarily Removing H3 and All ETs Categories + Removing The Fixer from Hitman 2016

Hello everyone, last announcement before the new year I promise!

We've decided to temporarily remove the "H3" and "All ETs" categories from the fullgame leaderboard for Hitman WoA: Elusives Targets. The reasoning for this comes down to the fact that IOI is actively releasing new ETs making the

26 days ago
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