Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord5 years ago

We can not eliminate all RNG in the game, it is not possible. And if horde has a little shorter route i guess horde is the best way to go :P We already have so many categories to choose from, but we will discuss the idea of ending it when you obtain the lights hope quest, since it can be 10 min difference based on that RNG alone.

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord5 years ago

We will do that as soon as WoW classic comes out officially. But it's a different game. We will probably use speedrun.com/classicwow for it and make up categories for it :)

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

You can not repeat getting it, can you? So that would be a once per char speedrun. Also the endless halls are based on day/player ID, wich is pretty random, that is a lot of RNG, more than Chromie runs (At least you can do those over and over again)

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

We thought about it, same with the demon hunter starting zone. It needs to have some definitive rules set. However, the more people that are interested, the more it will become a thing quicker :D

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

Every addon is allowed as long as it follows Blizzards TOS :)

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

I don't think it would be even possible to be implemented in any way.Many games have speedruns where a certain class/race is the best choice for specific categories, Skyrim for example aswell, and WoW being the game it is, always in development, it could change any day.

Also there are i think 111 ? different class/race combos Wich would give us A LOT of categories, adding more to the confusion it already is

Tiggle इसे पसंद करता है
Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

inb4 everyone rerolls DH ;)

The Get Big Glitch actually used to work differently until Cata came along, in many cases you didnt even need to force quit the game :D

cdgexe इसे पसंद करता है
Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

I don't think i have ever seen a speedrun where pauses where counted out :D And flying should be okay, with the gold you can send yourself from your other char etc. Only in "no heirloom" you really wouldnt have the gold to buy flying

Saspatoon इसे पसंद करता है
Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

Yea Ra-Den should be killed for all bosses, not for any% tho, since he is not the "Achievement Boss" for the raid. Conjured i will put your run into any% for you :)

Edit: Also, using LFR queues and similar should be okay, since youre still killing the bosses etc.As long as no rule is broken somehow, but that should not be the case :D Keep in mind tho, LFR is 25 man, no? So for WoD bosses it might take you a bit longer to kill them. Or does it all scale nowadays? o_O

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

Interesting idea, but isnt Nightbane mythic only? I'm not sure, but thing is, most things here are for older content, pure speed-wise. For nightbane you would gain a lot of advantage by just being ilvl 930 and others being 850 and so on. Tbh thats true in any speedrun here, higher gear in most cases is better for stuff :D But the idea is like i said really interesting. We will check it ;)

ConjuredBiscuit इसे पसंद करता है
Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

Yea, you could try to get the cloth helmet with mastery, but would have to be really high item lvl with socket and speed to make up for it i guess :D

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

I am unsure about heroic only bosses. In the rules we say "Kill all bosses listed in the adventure guide", clearly Ra-Den only even shows up when you put it to heroic. I Think this might be worth a discussion. The problem with LFR in this matter is btw, that you would have to go into each wing by itself wich could make it even slower, no? And no, queueing for the last boss to kill him and calling it any% wouldnt be right ;)

However any% means all skips etc. are available, like in Ulduar you can have the teleports and so on, or in HFC you can already have the teleport unlocked.

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

¯_(ツ)_/¯ The cloth helm can be good aswell, especially if you get +speed on it. However the DR on +speed is really hard :/

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

Yea, the cloak is a 101, but it dropped as 110 before patch 7.1 due to a bug i think. I have my savant helmet since the start of legion so i don't know if the stats are grandfathered or not. However Savant is the rarest random enchant you can get, especially on an epic proc helmet. I got lucky with it and my chest in like 3-4 tries each. On shoulders im not so lucky, made a few thousands so far :(

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

Like i once said, i'm really gimping out the character, so i don't even oneshot TBC bosses anymore, but the speed makes up for it i think. http://www.wowhead.com/item=104404/hellscreams-cleaver&bonus=3615

This with 2 150 Mastery sockets and the enchant from WoD that proccs mastery. Since it's a mastery proc it will add passive movement speed even with buffs ;)

Schleswig-Holstein, GermanyTamlord6 years ago

Yea it really is a bummer, like on all my other 101 twinks. Only 1 spec is hell. If you choose wrong, well, youre kinda fucked. I hope they implement all specs for 101 ;) But to be fair mate, you don't actually need the artifact. I don't use my artifact weapons in speedruns, cause of other reasons ;)

ConjuredBiscuit इसे पसंद करता है
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