Is this legit?
3 years ago

It slipped a long way when he started to speedrun Reprise. Most speedrunners in China think it's unreasonable and unfair. (sky-dream said just to stay on the main menu if you want to break WR. lgklx don't support this skill either) .I also think it should not be allowed because it is an unfair advantage for other players.

Nakano_liuhai और korakr इसे पसंद करें


Bad_w4teR इसे पसंद करता है

I don't think this can be allowed.But Yohan allowed it

AlisaMikhaylovna और 6ixCoins इसे पसंद करें

The leaderboard is for the community, so you guys can also help decide what the rules are. If the community does not want this to be allowed, then we can add it to the rules and not allow it to be submitted.

This is what the forum is for, good job.

6ixCoins इसे पसंद करता है

I just explained you why we allow it nakano, i understand that its debatable but i still dont understand why its unfair.

HardikSahu और 6ixCoins इसे पसंद करें

I feel it is kind of fair since everyone can use this technic. How can the mod team determine whether a speedrunner slides or not? What if a speedrunner only slides a tiny little bit that needs to be measured by a microscope? Does sky-dream's 16.16 record consider as sliding? If his record isn't considered sliding, what if another speedrunner just slides a little further than sky-dream and breaks the record? How can the mod team decide whether to reject the run or not?

HardikSahu और IdentitY इसे पसंद करें

It is recommended to grab it with your hands every time you land


I don't think taxiing is not allowed. I think we cant deliberately increase the falling speed by waiting on the main interface, so as to achieve the purpose of taxiing. If you did not deliberately wait on the main interface, but still glided. I think this is permissible


Because waiting in the main interface belongs to the action before the timer starts. This time was not recorded by the timer

Yohan इसे पसंद करता है

But sometimes when we run,we can slippage by ourselves


i think it should be allowed


HOW can the mod team determine whether a speed runner force the sliding to occur or not? There isn’t a chart that represent the relationship between the time waiting in the main menu and the possibility of sliding occurring.


Sky-dream has an interesting proposition. Grab the floor when you land, no sliding will happen.

As others have mentioned, there is no way for the moderation team to find out if it was deliberate or not.

Nakano_liuhai, ZX_L_xx, और CHINA_dream_water इसे पसंद करें

I agree with the sky dream method

Msgames79 इसे पसंद करता है
China For example, these two videos hardly slide when landing. Can we take this as the landing standard


I don't agree with sky dream, a person not grabbing the ground in the start of run doesn't mean their run can be disqualified. This method is a good strat, no need to ban this strat

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