load removal timer
8 years ago
Nordjylland, Denmark

i have a game i would love to make a load remover. but i have no idea how to make one, any help will be appreciated!


You need to provide more details. Loading times removal is different is every single game on earth.

Trollbear666 इसे पसंद करता है
French Southern Territories

I am not a LiveSplit expert. As I remember being said on multiple chats, LiveSplit uses a language (ASL (Auto Splitting Language)if I don't say stupid things) that helps you. Here is a small help : https://github.com/LiveSplit/LiveSplit/blob/master/Documentation/Auto-Splitters.md Then, you can also ask help politely to those who know how to do that, for example : CryZe, WooferZ, Fatalis.