Changing the description underneath your run?
3 years ago
New Jersey, USA

So this is awkward. I clicked "edit run" for an already verified run, changed just the description (not the time or video link), and after clicking submit, my run went back to being unverified and awaiting moderator approval. Really didn't think that would happen. I mean it's fine, but I didn't mean to create more work for the mods. I figured changing only my comments on the run wouldn't be enough to require re-verification. Is it supposed to work like that?


Yes, it is designed to work like that. Changing any field on the run requires re-verification by the moderators.

If you want a couple examples of why it works that way: you wouldn’t want anyone editing their description to be something inappropriate after verification, or if video links for multi-part videos are in the description, you’d want to make sure those didn’t change. Those are just two examples, the latter is rather specific to some edge cases, but the former can apply to pretty much any game.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
Oreo321, 6oliath, और Pear इसे पसंद करें
New York, USA

It's just a failsafe in case you edit the date, time or video to make sure you're not invalidating the run or something like that.

Nordanix, Oreo321, और Pear इसे पसंद करें