Can someone add a game and series for me?
1 year ago

I want to add a mobile game called Dragon City to a speedrunning board and have the series as SocialPoint (the creators of the game). Can a mod/admin add a board and put me in charge of it? And if i own the series would i be able to add other games made by socialpoint to it?

Somerset, England

You can request games and series in Support Hub [quote=MrBlueTopHat]if i own the series would i be able to add other games made by socialpoint to it?[/quote] Super mods can add games to series, but it depends if you get added as a mod to the series or not, or if the series even gets accepted

CyanWes और Gaming_64 इसे पसंद करें
Iowa, USA

Dragon City will most likely not get accepted. The goals are arbitrary.

Staff don’t add series based off of developers, but actual game series. For example, there is a Super Mario Bros. series but not a Nintendo series.

Gaming_64 और YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करें
Somerset, England

@SkittlesCat83 that's because those series are really old and an exception

CyanWes और Gaming_64 इसे पसंद करें