3 years ago

Is there a way to suggest a game to be added to that isn't already on the website? For example, I found this dumb science game where you have to try to label the parts of a microscope as fast as you can, and I want it to be on the website so I can show it to more people. Link for anyone who wants it TIA

United States Read the rules carefully: if this is a "dumb science [web] game", I have doubts it'll be accepted.

Pear, Ivory, और Walgrey इसे पसंद करें

There's nothing to optimize so it's gonna get declined anyway. So many webgames yet you pick this one

Edit: You can barely call this a game. It's clicking, dang, it even gives you the answer if you mess up enough times.

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago