Run Submission
3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I submitted a run for sm64 emu and it got rejected because apparently I'm using a banned version of Project64.

I wasn't even aware I was using a different version than what's allowed. I don't get why that would make a difference in my runs anyways.

Massachusetts, USA

I'm getting really annoyed at this site. This is the second time a run of mine has been rejected.

New York, USA

Maybe you should read the rules for the game/category again. It says pretty clearly "All other emulators and versions (such as Mupen64 and Project64 v1.7 & v2.0+) are banned."

Massachusetts, USA

Well why is it banned? Also I didn't see it mentioned anywhere.

New York, USA

I have no idea. Ask the SM64 community. Also, where else would you like them to mention it? It's in the rules, which you should read so you can follow the rules and not get your run rejected.


N64 emulation is already pretty bad in terms of accuracy compared to a normal console, and PJ64 1.6 is the “least bad” version of the emulator to use. It’s still not comparable to a real console (hence why SM64 splits its categories out), but it’s the best version out there. Other emulators or newer versions of PJ64 tend to be even more inaccurate and have more issues with consistency, so those are traditionally banned for use.

SparkedAmbition इसे पसंद करता है
Massachusetts, USA

Thank you for clarifying Timmuluvs. I honestly wasn't aware I didn't have the right version.