Introduction: Hello.
3 years ago
Florida, USA

I'm new to the site and am interested in speedruns via TAS. Would this site be a good place to get started with this? If not, anywhere you could recommend?


Welcome! This site (mostly) does not track TAS runs. You can check the official site for TAS, which contains run submissions, resources and guides:

There are a few game around here which have TAS runs posted in their forums, also Mirror's Edge leaderboard (the only one I know of) track TAS runs for individual levels:

Gaming_64 इसे पसंद करता है
Florida, USA

Thank you for the help. I'm not really looking to submit anything in the near future. I'm just looking for how to get started - what software is necessary? How do you even do it? What is required to start? etc?

It looks like TAS site you linked is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm planning to be a lurker here and there until I learn enough to actually start contributing. :)


For most of those questions, read further on the tas videos site, I'm sure there are better answers there. In general, most runs are done on consoles emulators, which let you do frame-by-frame commands and other stuff like save states. There are some tools for TASing PC games but it's not really reliable.

For browser/flash games there are no tools (as far as I know), so TASing games like that is hard because you need to use pre-recorded scripts, and they can get out of sync real fast. I did a web-game TAS run like that myself some months ago here, but even though the run takes 1 minute, it took about 40 hours to make...

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 3 years ago
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