2 weeks in and loving it!
4 years ago
Greater Manchester, England

Hi there guys! I'm Ben from Manchester in the UK. I'm also known as RetroRedHead on YouTube, Reddit and Twitter.

I'm currently 2 weeks into Speedrunning in general and loving every second. I've always had a passing interest in the sport but never been brave enough to actually partake untill now.

I'm currently working towards setting some good times in Doom and Duke Nukem 3D.

I'm currently PCless so having to run on console ports (Xbox One). A disadvantage to some but to others it means a greater challenge, at least it does for me :)

Everyone I've had interaction with so far (be that not many) has been great and the r/speedrun subreddit has been more than welcoming, especially with my first top 3 place in Doom (Xbox Arcade Version).

I can't wait to break into the top spots for Doom and Duke Nukem and hopefully some more games too along the way!

All the best,

Ben aka RetroRedHead

के द्वारा संपादित लेखक 4 years ago
Krayzar, soru, और Quivico इसे पसंद करें
United States

Welcome to the community, Ben! Glad to have you here!!