Any% v0.192 - Route v.18.10.29 [October 2018 - Final] [Obsolated]
Any% v0.192 - Route v.18.10.29 [October 2018 - Final] [Obsolated]
अपडेट किया गया 4 years ago से Nec-Os

June 1st 2019: Guide Submitted

THIS GUIDE/ROUTE IS FOR "VERSION 0.192" (and something similar). IT'S NOT THE CURRENT VERSION. AND CAN'T USE FOR "VERSION 0.193 and upper".

In October 2018, enu started using Walk through Walls Glitch for .flow speedrun. ( )

As a result, fastest route was updated frequently. This guide is about the final update in October 2018.

[section=Images] White Crossroad -> Bloody Passage:

Fastest is straight. (but they are almost same). You can judge pattern to see the blood on bottom.

Oreko (.Diving Helmet.) Spawn Places List:

Fastest is [C]. Next is [D].

I recommend two strats:

_ "2/15" strat ( [C] -> [D] ): Start -> Go to top -> [C] -> Go to left -> Goal Start -> Go to top -> [C] -> [D] -> Go to left -> Goal

_ "12/15" strat ( [C] -> [B] -> [A] ): Start -> Go to top -> [C] -> Go to left -> Goal Start -> Go to top -> [C] -> Go to right -> [B] -> Go to right -> Goal Start -> Go to top -> [C] -> Go to right -> [B] -> [A] -> Go to right -> Goal

[section=Before a run] This route can't use for v0.193 or upper. Because in v0.193, It's changed the location of ".Black Hood." EFFECT.

You need to check the Game Version.

Check 1: Title Screen must say ".flow ver. 0.19". NOTE: The Title Screen doesn't say 1/1000th digit.

Check 2: ".Black Hood." must be found at the hospital. (Entrance -> Utility Pole World -> Apartments -> Cloud World -> Reverse Apartments -> Sugar Hole -> Hole -> Hospital) NOTE: Between 0.19 and 0.192, I think there is almost no difference. But 0.19 has bugs that were crashing the game.

[section=Videos] ( )

run & route by seraki. with key display. it's very helpful.

( ) ( )

TAS-run by Nec-Os. includes a few, little, tiny, route fixes. RNG Manipulations: White Crossroad / Oreko (.Diving Helmet.)


[text] : about glitches Bold : EFFECT

Title Screen Press ".flow", TIMER STARTS.

Flow [Menu Glitch (chair)] Wake up

Flow [No Broom x2 Speed Glitch] [Sitting while Standing (bed)] Entrance -> Utility Pole World .Iron Pipe. Apartments -> Snow World .Dress. Apartments [Walk through Walls (Stand up)] Cloud World -> Go to top [WtW end] Famicom Witch -> Witch's house .Broom. Famicom Field -> Machine Nation .Television. Wake up

[Menu Glitch (chair in Real world)] Open the instructions Flow Sitting during Flow Countdown [4x Speed Glitch (but Menu Glitch is already done)] Entrance -> Music World .Headphones. Connecting Tile Path -> White Room -> White Crossroad ->Bloody Passage -> Blood Maze -> Insides -> Flesh Walls .Whistle. [Fix Menu Glitch (Stand up)] Equip ".Iron Pipe." -> Attack Black-Haired Girls on Chair [Sitting while Standing (Chair)] [4x Speed Glitch (but Menu Glitch is already done)] & [Walk through Walls (Effect equip + Get off the chair)] (Please refer to the video for the course of the WtW section.) .Viscera. Reverse Apartments -> Go to right [WtW end] Sugar Hole (back room) -> Cleaner World .Daruma. Sugar Hole -> Hole -> Town .Handgun. Hole -> Hospital .Black Hood. Back Ward [Walk through Walls (Stand up)] (Please refer to the video for the course of the WtW section.) Illusionary Corridors -> Illusionary Plant .Plant. Plant Labyrinth .Gas Mask. Flower World .Ghost. Interacting with the White Flower -> Go to Bottom [WtW end] Overgrown Islands -> Orange Maze -> Submarine Corridors -> Prison .Corpse. Hell -> Star World .Machine. Submarine World .Diving Helmet. Plant World .Watering Can. Entrance -> Sabitsuki's Room

Sit in a chair and get off (Remove the Effect equip) [Sitting while Standing (bed)] [4x Speed Glitch (but Menu Glitch is already done)] Entrance -> Dysmorphic World .Mono Eye. Footprint Path -> Into open mouth [Walk through Walls (Stand up)] (Please refer to the video for the course of the WtW section.) .Cat. Psychedelic Town .Psychedelic. Sweet Sugar -> Go to Left -> First Door [Sitting while Standing (Sofa)] [WtW end] [4x Speed Glitch (but Menu Glitch is already done)] & [Fix Menu Glitch (Open the instructions on the sofa, page-2 closes after Sabitsuki gets off the sofa)] Psychedelic Town -> Sewers -> Sugar Hole -> Sewers [Walk through Walls (Stand up)] (Please refer to the video for the course of the WtW section.) Orange Maze -> Orange Passage -> Young Passage -> Microorganism World .Arms. Young Passage -> Orange Passage -> Wastewater Lake .Slime. School .Uniform. .Tattoo. Wake up

Open the Door, TIMER ENDS.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा धागे
पोस्ट किया गया 7 years ago
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