@Swskrei is a cheater!!!!
9 months ago

so i was looking at apel speedruns... and i see that @Swskrei have wayyyyyy too many good runs!! he is like first or second for EVERY level! and then i see the runs... he beat ALLL of my timessss :(

i was very sad

but then i realize my times were TO GOOD to be beat! its NOT POSSiBLE! and he joined... 4 MONTHS AGO!?!?!?!?!?!

no no no no no

he must be cheater! he cant beet my time!

you ask how he cheat?? well its very simple! he make thingie about tas runs...

dat is what HE SAY in his post! he say his run is tas! ban dis man plzzz

oh and me have MORE RAISONSSS!!

at level 8

HE TELEPORTS THROUHG DA PLATFoRM! me try but no no i not able to do it

banb him!

United States

First of all, I've been grinding this game for far more than 4 months. Although I don't record on streams, I've beaten many custom levels that are extremely hard, and I have no raison* to cheat on that. If you think I've been making TASes for all of my runs and editing the code, then you're wrong. I actually enjoy speedrunning this game.

I don't understand why you specifically picked me out. I only have 3 world records (agh @Sir_Farcelot) and even with quite optimized times, there are others who have better ones. ?

For level 8, I cornerdeathed with I-frames through the blue platform. If you're convinced that that run is a TAS, well, honestly I can't prove anything else. I have no cheating history and I've gotten several level 8 runs. You can check my obsolete runs to see just how many level runs I have. :)

For fullgame%, I know you didn't mention it, but I'll still clarify if needed. Its something called consistency, skill, and luck. I didn't wake up one day with that run.

CAKEC0DER, MichaelChan और 6 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United States

I'm sorry, but your argument seems to be undecipherable. The logic you use to come to this conclusion is seemingly nonexistent!

@Swskrei already provided a numerous great counterpoints to yours, although I'll add a couple more.

For your point regarding "he cant beet my time," just because someone has beat your speedrun does not mean they are a cheater. Swskrei has grinded 100+ hours on the Appel for his runs, and it is unsurprising that his times are more optimized than yours.

Additionally, your image "evidence" is quite misleading. You only screenshotted a small portion, if you would've read the rest of his post, you would have noticed that he was merely providing an example. Please keep this in mind if this happens in the future.

You need to provide much better reasons to call Swskrei a cheater.

Luis_sm, Krackerz और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें

Sorry but your reason to call Swskrei a cheater doesn't have sense.

The reason he clipped a corner in level 8 is because he did a cornerdie with iframes and then clipped the platform, not some cheats.

And simply because hes "too good" doesn't mean he cheats.

Krackerz, Swskrei और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United States

I would like to avoid hate in the appel community. I understand if you misunderstood, @splitfin4, but please refrain from singling out a single person.

Luis_sm और TheGreatYoKai इसे पसंद करें

Doesn't he know that you can corner clip in L8?

Luis_sm और TheGreatYoKai इसे पसंद करें

Maybe he's just making nonsense

Luis_sm, Swskrei, और TheGreatYoKai इसे पसंद करें

Man you're gone for a few days and then this place just becomes a different place

Luis_sm और TheGreatYoKai इसे पसंद करें

lol fr I say you have to at least have one run to accuse people of things like this.

Luis_sm, DoubleSpratt और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United States

lol I just came back from a break, and I see this thread where swskrei is being accused of cheating because he is too good. Swskrei is insane. He is not a cheater. Your evidence is terrible too.

Luis_sm इसे पसंद करता है
United States

I think I might still have a thread of sanity still inside me :). But yea I've spent way too long speedrunning this game, and I think we all agree that I didn't cheat.

Luis_sm और DoubleSpratt इसे पसंद करें

lol im closing this thread because there is not any evidence

Luis_sm इसे पसंद करता है
गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Any% Timing rules

Timing starts at the first frame of movement and ends at the first frame of touching the flag

11 months ago
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