All convenient stores
2 years ago
Ohio, USA
  1. Why lose the cops? What if instead the time ends when picking up the last bag?
  2. What about when the bar shows up for the indimidation for starting?
  3. Lester and SecuroServ are allowed in normal runs.
  4. There is an All Robberies page on the GTA Category Extensions page, though I don't know if they are the same stores.

I mean you can clear cops by suiciding, so you could just rob the last shop then suicide.


Plus if Lester/CEO is allowed it might allow for more strategizing, for example balancing clearing cops for job warping vs the cooldown

New South Wales, Australia

also what do you mean not on console, its a speedgame on this website, and all the stores in that category are in the console versions, tho not online, just story