FranceYa-GG7 years ago

The game doesn't exist, even if it's easy to find it on Youtube and Steam ? Unless there is a hidden mystery behind that, I don't understand. Maybe because it's a very bad game, according to most of the players who tried it.

YUMmy_Bacon5 et ROMaster2 aime ceci
fil: Talk
FranceYa-GG7 years ago

I was wondering the question for the next ESA, because I'll have no choice, but taking a flight + train thursday night, to appear friday at the convention around 6:00 AM, and then running my game at 11:28 AM. So that probably means I won't be at my best condition to do the race. And it can be worse if I get sick during the travel.

So I just farm no reset runs, to get the idea that whatever happened before and during the race, I should be able to save any performance. But of course, that's a different situation than aiming PB/WR. I'm just training this way to not overcome my own estimate.

FranceYa-GG7 years ago

This sentence is grinding my ears too, it's like all moderators have to be perfect, and mistakes are not allowed. We suck when we start speedrunning a game, right ? So I guess sometimes we suck when we start moderating a game, especially for players who opened new game's leaderboard. It's not like there is a guide "how to be moderator for noobs".

You have the right to help moderators doing their duty correctly, before pointing them as bad people who need to be replaced.

YUMmy_Bacon5 aiment ceci
fil: Talk
FranceYa-GG7 years ago

Above the fact that videos can support 99% of any rank attempted (cheating or missing the required conditions are the last %), they have another main role : Helping any game by adding more visibility.

When you post a run video, you first give to the community a proof about why you can claim for the rank you deserve. But you also provide resources about how the game is done quickly, old and new strats to improve the speedrunning of it.

A leaderboard with a big lack of videos is a very clueless issue for anyone who's interested in starting speedrunning it, and that obviously doesn't help its community to increase.

I have no reason to interfere in any way if this is the vision you have of this game as mod. But it's disappointing.

And being mod is not about wearing a medal of honor & trust, it's about taking responsability to carry a game for a while.

kobepilgrim, Aureus_Lunae et 3 autres aime ceci
fil: Talk
FranceYa-GG7 years ago

Video > picture > splits. Splits mean really nothing if you don't have any video to support it. Or we can add splits with random numbers, and state this is WR.

Maybe this is a hard point of view, but I think that if anybody is willing to do speedrun seriously, he/she has to get decent recording stuff, even if it means to buy low price tools. There is just almost nothing to analyze or watch when someone does submit picture & splits only.

I'm not saying it should be forbidden, but for me, it's clearly the poorest sharing you can do with the community.

FranceYa-GG7 years ago

@Drakodan without details, DarkerStix has a profession which is able to take him away from the forum during months.

FranceYa-GG8 years ago


Console speedrunners generally are using capture card. It's a tool you just plug in between your console, your TV and your PC, and it allows you to have decent capture of your game. One of the most popular is the Elgato Game capture. Other speedrunners will probably answer you with more informations.

soru et shortcloud aime ceci
FranceYa-GG8 years ago

Hello everyone, I got a special request about the Limbo race, and other runners who're involved can confirm my statement :

First of all, thank you for letting Limbo survive the final cut, we know it's a very particular game which is difficult to make appear on a marathon, due to its sad atmosphere.

I wasn't supposed to attend ESA at the beginning, but due to personal issues, Tixi called me in emergency to ask me if I can replace him for the Limbo race. Zet and Méléagant agreed about it too. So we would like to know if this replacement is possible or not.

If your answer is positive, I'm only able to attend the marathon the last day (29th), because of unavoidable final school's stuff. So if this replacement is accepted, could you please put the race on the 29th of July in the ESA's schedule ?

Thank you for your consideration.

Edit : For more precisions, I'll have no choice but to take a flight on Thursday's night, and I'll probably reach ESA Friday in the morning, around 7:00 AM.

Edit 2 : Replacement accepted, Thank you very much !

fil: Talk
FranceYa-GG8 years ago

So, as speedrunner's point of view, I got some other questions :

  • Is the game playable with controller pad ? If I look well, that point is not mentioned in the description. I'm not saying I can't play on keyboard and mouse, but I'm more used to controller. And if the game is adapted to be played both ways, it will potentially attract more testers.

  • If we eventually test your game, are we allowed to stream it ? It could help a lot to discuss with another runners, or just to expand its visibility.

fil: Talk
FranceYa-GG8 years ago

I don't understand the main goal of your request... Do you want the community to explore the potential of the game as casual or as speedrun gaming ? The feedback you need could be not the one you're expecting with that difference.

FranceYa-GG8 years ago

Cave Story, Kero Blaster (be careful, they require to mash buttons for speedrun)


Sega classic packs on Steam if you're looking for some Megadrive's oldies

Environmental Station Alpha

Shantae's serie



FranceYa-GG8 years ago
  1. Nothing more than what has already been said.

  2. Some things I noticed while doing runs :

  • When Mechs are doing Ice/rock block's attacks, you can use fire bending to destroy those blocks, but be very careful, because during the fight, Mechs sometimes take a bend and go to the right. When this happens, your fireballs are deflected, and you have high chances to have not enough dps to take all the blocks down, and get rekt consequently. So I recommend to get used to dodge these blocks without firebending.

  • When mechatank takes a bend and go to the right, just avoid the left lane the most possible. It's a very dangerous blind spot. By staying at middle or right lane when it happens, you still can see mech's arms at any moment, making you able to predict which block it will create.

  • Always about Ice/boulder part, if Naga takes too much time to finish her jumps, mastering jump + swipe attack helps a lot to reduce it.

  1. As Dolphin said, It's cool to replace Chi crystal by anything more useful for the fight (potions).

Just be careful when using ground punch. It's the most powerful attack, but when executed, you're unable to move during 1 or 2 seconds, making you very vulnerable against electric attack. So while jumping, if you see some lightnings, just replace ground punch by dodging instead.

Mechs are dangerous when they are about to hit, but when they do, they are less agressive during 1 or 2 seconds. That's very useful to smash them during this precise timing.

FranceYa-GG8 years ago

You wrote in the rules when does the timer stop. I suggest you to precise in addition when does the timer start. Just to be sure there will be no interpretation.

FranceYa-GG8 years ago

Well, first of all, if the game has its own page, you can easily submit your runs, so they will appear on the main page as recent runs. So that's a good start about its visibility :)

FranceYa-GG8 years ago

If the game doesn't have a place on the forum, I suggest you to apply here :

Once the place is created, you can fully talk about it on its own forum.

FranceYa-GG8 years ago

... And that's a mature reason to mention this private dispute publically ?

PeterAfro et
aime ceci
FranceYa-GG8 years ago

As I said above, the Auto-jump made some tricks more easier to do, but it is possible to do them without it. More difficult, but still possible.

But Sooner or later, if runners really want to get serious rank on the leaderboard, they learn the auto-jump strats.

warm_ham aiment ceci
FranceYa-GG8 years ago

In my opinion, a glitchless category isn't meaningful, because people in the past already reached sub 20 without the auto-jump strat' on any%.

I think the first and main reason to start the speedrun of Super Meat Boy is the challenging difficulty, and even if the auto jump makes some levels easier, the game still remains tough to do decent runs. That's probably why autojump is allowed on any category.

However, using alt is completely different, changing the game to an OOB run, which is just dodging all the spicy fun. If most of the runners really wanted to use alt glitch as serious stuff, the categories you're submitting would be already there. And that's not the case.

But that doesn't prevent you to try Alt 106% or Alt Dark Ending if you want to.

OmegaFallon aiment ceci
FranceYa-GG8 years ago


En t'exprimant en français, tu attends des retours de la part de qui ? D'après toi, quelle est la probabilité pour que les membres de ce site qui connaissent Tropico 5 parlent suffisamment bien le français pour te répondre ?

xDrHellx aiment ceci
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