New Category- 0 Jumps
6 years ago

So I did a Jumpless Speedrun today, I used 2P in the last phase of the bowser fight and returned to 1P right after the jump. It's a pretty fun run, as long as you don't accidentally jump lol. I used most of the any% route and changed some moons that were hard/took too long without jumps. Wooded needs to be rerouted though. Video:

NeoYggdrasill, zombiewizard45 et 4 autres aime ceci

Great job on doing that!

Zinpars aiment ceci

One of the mods said that this will become a category, if we get at least 5 different runs ;)

d101 et IwerSonsch aime ceci

I might try

Zinpars aiment ceci
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

So, just to make sure, the only jumps that increment the counter are the ones Gamechamp3000 mentions in his Youtube video? That would mean wall jumps and jumps as any capture are allowed.

I haven't watched Zinpars' run, but basically following the any% route for this was my idea as well. Some have to be replaced for sure as they're impossible to get without jumping. An ideal route would definitely include moons that require talking to NPCs which is quite risky, like buying those moons in Snow and Wooded. You could loose an otherwise flawless run by messing up that single trick and you probably don't even get to know until you speak to Toadette. To me this category sounds quite interesting and I might submit a run in the future.




It is easy to tell if you failed the Talk Trick

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Yeah you're right about that, just did some testing and it also seems pretty easy to get consistent at it.


I am doing the leaderboard and rn zinpars is the only one with a legit run, i made a forum about jumpless if someone is interested

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago