min caps first power moon?
2 years ago
United States

cant find any guides on how to get first power moon in min caps 1.3 1P, i can get out of bounds and under the moon with relative ease, but cant figure out how to get the moon itself

Basque Country

yea is kinda tedious, basicaly you cant get directly up because of the platform blocking you but is as simple as placing you in the exact place so when you jump from the water you enter in a side of the rock just behind the platform, where you can maniobrate to get in top of the platform and take the moon if the problem is the altitude, remember to do a cap return jump to get a high jump without moving from the site

United States

you can do it with a return jump, but i just face the camera towards the moon (like the direction the chain chomp would be looking at it) and do a single jump in the back right corner then cap throw and dive, its very consistent, sometimes you bonk but youll still be clipped in

Pennsylvania, USA

You can also do cascade surface clip with an instant roll cancel into the wall by where you would do DSS.

Basque Country

he said he didnt have problems with clips, just that clipped he probably couldnt manage to get the moon, so i dont thin doing a diferent clip would help

MinecraftGaming aiment ceci
United States

Hi I’m back, yea I’m not having any trouble with the clip, just the moon, but now that it’s late at night and I’m more awake (crazy how that works sometimes) I think I might understand how to get the moon, also for a small bit of clarification while I’m here, since there are more guides for 1.0 is the route mostly the same between 1.0 and 1.3 with the just different clipping methods (like in IP clip) and a lack of nut jump? Cause if so that would be very helpful

Basque Country

pretty much yea, i dont think it changes a lot more

United States

this playlist covers the 1.0 and 1.3 routes for min caps https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqfY-QGKmK7qlz2RPLxVTBbXqj9p9ZFK8