6 years ago
Virginia, USA

Edit: I lied again. Leaderboard will be made 1 week after the release. This is for 2 reasons

Mods don’t wanna have to be spoiled to verify runs.

Day 1 runners are not cool for getting “WR”.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
Gaming_64, KilleDragon et 40 autres aime ceci
Wisconsin, USA

Well yeah VGM but we don't know WHEN that is yet. Final hit, Final Moon grab. Grand Moon Grab? We're in the dark here with that.

Michigan, USA

I think the category Demo% should be made now, as people are already running the in-store demos.

United States

If anything is added, it won't have a % on it like that.

Goodigo aiment ceci
Kentucky, USA

Heres a good start timing. Timing starts when you gain control of Mario

Baltimore, MD, USA

it's the end timing that's really the problem, the time will start on file select probably

Wisconsin, USA

Start will happen on file select for sure.. Probably. Then end would be Final Bowser hit/ Final Multimoon grab. But we know nothing about the ending, or beginning for that matter. So we'll see when the time comes.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
United States

Why don't you go ahead and put up a demo% category? People have already started speedrunning the demos they have at gamestop and other stores.

Adrian aiment ceci
United States

It's not gonna matter in a week.

Pidgey, Rockin et 6 autres aime ceci
United States

In a week that category will be Tosterena Segment Any%

BlippyWaffle aiment ceci
United States

That's true

California, USA

Can we get a demo% because people be speed running in stores?

Oregon, USA

Like everyone else said, it will die in a week.

Adrian aiment ceci
Arizona, USA

Waiting a full week seems like a pretty strange decision. Regardless of how you feel towards day 1 speedruns, it's still a speedrun regardless and shouldn't be disregarded. Obviously spoilers can be a concern, but then why did you sign up for mod knowing people would be wanting to submit runs as soon as possible?

Let the community judge people flaunting day 1 WRs, but it shouldn't be up to your personal opinions to disallow submissions in the first place.

Adrian, AprilSR et 4 autres aime ceci
United States

Yeah you're right. Let's get the Koopa Running categories up. MiniK

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
Adrian aiment ceci
Arizona, USA

I never said anything about meme categories, but any% should have a leaderboard right away since it doesn't require any specific rules except beat the game

Zans64 aiment ceci
United States

(Just a friendly reminder that it doesn't require a leaderboard to do speedruns of a game.)

Pidgey, Adrian et 2 autres aime ceci
Victoria, Australia

What Spevan said is true, just because there isn’t a leaderboard yet, doesn’t mean you can’t Speedrun the game. If we make the leaderboard now, everyone will just submit their runs just to have a chance at getting WR. It’s better to make the leaderboard in a week so we know who is really the fastest at that time. Not everyone has the game yet so it’s better to make it when most people have the game.

Arizona, USA

What I said has nothing to do with whether or not people can do speedruns prior to the leaderboard going up, it's calling out the mods on using a shitty excuse to not have a leaderboard right now. The leaderboard is a community resource and injecting your personal bias into why one doesn't go up doesn't make any sense to me. Let people submit their crappy WRs for a brief shot of fame, they won't last long and the community will laugh at them. But the mods shouldn't be denying people the chance to submit at all because they feel the same way.

People have already finished the game and strats are being refined, regardless of it just coming out. If you don't want to watch runs yet because of spoilers, that's fine! But there are people that do want to watch the progression of the speedrun and waiting an entire week makes no sense when it's evolving very quickly.

AprilSR, Black60Dragon et 6 autres aime ceci
United States

Mods want to enjoy the game before speedrunning it, can that not be respected?