5-3 fast strats
5-3 fast strats
Mis à jour 6 years ago par IlluminaTea

Get the first coin from the hallway of coins by walking up to the edge: https://d3esbfg30x759i.cloudfront.net/ss/WVW69khV9yItBi_ma2 You can skip the second room by taking the bob-omb into the room and dropping it on the ground like this: https://d3esbfg30x759i.cloudfront.net/ss/WVW69khV8UQXXAE26m Then get a running start and spin off the bob-omb, grabbing the p-switch from the bottom. Run across the rest of the level and be sure to jump off of the blocks over the checkpoint. Then grab a shell from one of the koopas and shelljump over the last wall.

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