PS4 Stream Timer
8 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

With 2.8 coming out soon (and eventually 3) I have a question. Will we be allowed to use the ps4 stream tier as a timer? I personally don't have HDPVR and don't plan on getting one (seems too expensive) but i would still like to run the games. So, will the timer be allowed?

Virginia, USA

If it's on screen (i.e. in the VOD), yes. If not, we'll have to evaluate. :/ If you can, feel free to record a small test video and link it here since I'm not familiar with PS4 streaming and what shows up on screen.

Oregon, USA

Well it's a realtime timer, so I GUESS, but there's no real reason you couldn't just run livesplit or something on your PC anyways, capture card or not and just upload your splits to seperate.

Virginia, USA

Well Silver we have a requirement atm that says a timer must be on the screen; I think that's what the concern was about. I'd be hesitant to remove that requirement too since it could make it easier for people to cheat and harder to verify (we'd basically have to retime the videos ourselves and we wouldn't be able to allow split VODs).

He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

@JHobz Bad example since there is also an in game timer, but here

Virginia, USA

I see nothing wrong with that. :)

Tennessee, USA

With recent findings, the elapsed timer is not consistent with other timers and can not be used as a timer for you videos. Gotta find a way to get a different timer on your vid.

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