level categories
2 years ago
United Kingdom

this is a more solo thing ig but there should be levelled categories:

  • 1 kill (could be argued)
  • 5 kills
  • 10 kills

lets just say in the video you and somebody else fought against somebody on a different team and that somebody else that you were fighting with got the kill, you would get the +1 kill as well but obviously the videos needs you trying to actually damage the opponent (so no loopholes like hitting them once then running away which doesn't count as a kill) ig kills also count if the opponent isn't full HP

maybe to make things confusing you can have the total amount of kills in a team for another category (solo and multiplier) and party/no party

or just put 1/5/10 kills

Launch aiment ceci

Kills could easily be cheated as people can just invite their friends and join at the exact same time so they would spawn on a different team and kill them multiple times. Though it is a nice idea

kalden aiment ceci
United Kingdom

I'm pretty sure that is not how matchmaking works (because of how many players there are in the game), and if it's 1-2 people being killed over and over you can tell the run is already suspicious

United Kingdom

which is why i suggested 1 kill

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