Pl3 all levels any% notes/guide
Pl3 all levels any% notes/guide
Mis à jour 3 years ago par ely_

If anything is wrong dm me on discord Notes: End of each level instantly quit to not watch the cutscenes.

Lvl1 Utah get wk2 right at the start

Lvl2 penny get wk3 also the start

Lvl3 pinch hitwell get wk1 finish whole level

Lvl4 Ivy get wk1 do shortcuts at the start and at the boss do the strat that lets you hit the boss Twice in a row.

Lvl5 Papa Louie get wk2 Skip 1st underwater section and do a bomb speed thing.

Lvl6(best level) Scooter get wk2 "glitch" that lets double jump get pinch hitwell

Lvl7 Utah get wk3 or 2 idk the one with Ivy spam spacebar

Lvl8 Pinch hitwell get wk3

Lvl9(last level) Utah get wk1 spam space bar at start and kill the beeg bad radish.

im banned lol