Would There Be Any Interest In a 99% Category?
6 years ago

I'm legitimately curious: Would there be any interest in a category that is "100% but for the Gravedigger Heart Piece", or "100% but for 1 Heart Container"?

Thanks Luc "Dumb Questions" French

Mississippi, USA

Probably not. But if this were a thing you'd likely want to also skip the ocarina game HP and maybe a few other boring ones.

Victoria, Australia

100 percent but you can RBA 1 heart piece container of your choosing%

United States

Skipping these heart pieces would trigger a strong sense of non-completion and illegitimacy in myself and most likely many others. As much as we don't like these minigames, those heart pieces are as much a fundamental part of the game as anything else required for 100%. Those who persist in playing 100% after getting screwed by dampe over and over wear that sacrifice as a badge of honor.

HonkyMcButterball aiment ceci
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