VBA & Livesplit problems
4 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Installed livesplit the other night, & I'm having problems using my hotkeys while VBA is open. I've looked for other fixes and none I've tried have worked. I've set global hotkeys on, run as admin for both programs, and made sure there aren't any overlapping hotkeys. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Madrid, Spain

VBA is banned. But, if you read the rules, you can find a link with everything you need to know about the allowed emulator and how to set it up.

darogalvod aiment ceci
Chicago, IL, USA

Got Bizhawk set up, but Livesplit is still giving me the same issue. Not sure what to do, v new to all this :(

Madrid, Spain

I recommend using numbers as hotkeys, as they do not overlap at all. From there, I personally don't know what you can do.

Madrid, Spain

If you join the Discord (at the left side of this site) you can find help easier.

darogalvod aiment ceci
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